Sometimes we need to fly solo for an hour or two to feel productive, or (better yet) facilitate some quality Self-Care!
Let our early childcare experienced and CORI checked staff watch and entertain your child in our safe and clean play space while you run errands, take some time for yourself, and/or head out with your partner for a Date Night.
Special Notes & What to Bring:
Toilet Training - If your child is not fully toilet trained and there's any chance they may have an accident or be too timid to tell a staff member when they need to go, please have them wear pull-ups/diapers.
NOTE: The nearest bathrooms are in the hallway, right out side our space and are shared with the building, please make a pit-stop before you come in.
All trips to the bathroom will be supervised by a staff member, if (on the rare occasion) only one staff member is on duty, all of the children will take a bathroom break together.
Supplies - Provide extra supplies in a clearly labeled backpack or diaper bag.
Snacks - Please provide your child with clearly labeled nut-free snacks and a labeled water bottle.
Age Ranges & Ratios: Age ranges vary by activity (see notes in each event) and may be mixed, but spaces will always be limited to a child/staff ratio of 10:1 (2.9yr-7yr old), 9:2/5:1 (15mo-7yr old) and no more than two non/early walkers (12mo-14mo) per staff member.
Older Siblings: Our space is most ideal for children 0-6 years old, but we welcome siblings over the age of 6 years old if you think they will enjoy it (especially if they like to "help out"!). We can set also set them up with a box of Legos or you can send them along with other self-led activities.
COVID Protocols: We will continue our mask policy for the time being - masks required for children 4 years and up and highly encouraged for children 2-3 years.
Our staff is fully vaccinated but will continue to wear their masks as well.
Forms: Please complete the following electronicDrop-Off Child Info & Waiver form a minimum of 24hrs prior to your arrival (this form only needs to be completed once each year, but we need time to review and print forms prior to your child's arrival)
Check-In/Drop-off: You may drop off your child at any time during the scheduled activity. Each child will need to be signed in on our (paper or electronic) "Drop-Off" form when you arrive. Each child must wear a nametag and/or wristband upon arrival.
Pick-up: You may pick up your child at any time during the scheduled time slot. Children must be signed out via our "Pick-up" form and must be by an individual authorized on the enclosed paperwork.
LATE PICK-UP: Additional charges will be incurred at a rate of $50 per half-hour, per child, for any care extended beyond the agreed-upon duration or after the close of business. If we are unable to reach a parent/guardian or any of the emergency contacts for more than 30 minutes past the scheduled pick-up time, the local authorities will be contacted.
Liability: Marblehead Parenting LLC is not legally responsible for the care or supervision of children beyond the end of the class, agreed supervised play timeframe, or close of business. If you have an emergency we will do our best to work with you and contact the appropriate emergency contacts on your list.
Cancellations: So we can confirm the correct number of staff, we can not refund any cancelations made within 48hrs of the scheduled activity.
Min Capacity/Enrollment: Each activity will have a minimum number of families required to be signed up at least 24hrs in advance of the scheduled time. If we do not have enough signed up to meet those minimum requirements, you'll be notified via email the night before and any payments will be refunded (so invite a friend!!). **If you are the only family signed up and cancelling puts you in a bind, our staff member may be able to assist you privately**
Marblehead Parenting, LLC is an independent, privately-owned business. We are not licensed by the MA Department of Early Education & Care or any other state agency.
Occasional Child Care: According to state guidelines each child may not attend without a parent/guardian in the building more than 4 hours a day and no more than 6 days per month.
Instructional Classes: Unaccompanied children attending classes must be properly registered for the class and retrieved at the end of each class period.